martes, 13 de enero de 2009


Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Posted: 13 Jan 2009 08:00 AM CST
Jehovah is a lover of justice.—Ps. 37:28.
Because of his love of justice, Jehovah refrained from wiping out the rebels in Eden. Why? Satan’s rebellion raised a question regarding the rightness of God’s sovereignty. Jehovah’s sense of justice required that Satan’s challenge be given a just answer. The immediate execution of the rebels, while well-deserved, would not have provided such an answer. It would have provided further evidence of Jehovah’s supremacy in power, but his power was not in question. Furthermore, Jehovah had stated his purpose to Adam and Eve. They were to have offspring and were to fill the earth, subdue it, and have all earthly creation in subjection. (Gen. 1:28) If Jehovah had simply destroyed Adam and Eve, his stated purpose regarding humans would have become empty words. Jehovah’s justice would never allow for such an outcome, for his purpose is always accomplished.—Isa. 55:10, 11. w07 5/15 1:13, 14
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