miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009


Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Posted: 31 Mar 2009 06:00 AM PDT
I do indeed also consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.—Phil. 3:8.
To Paul, the riches he gained through Christ excelled anything that the world could offer. Likewise, by relinquishing any selfish ambitions and pursuing a life of godly devotion, we too can enjoy a life that is rich in God’s eyes. God’s Word assures us: “The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life.” (Prov. 22:4) Consider the case of a woman who attended universities in France, Mexico, and Switzerland and was headed for a promising career. “Success smiled upon me; prestige and privilege accompanied me,” she said, “but on the inside, there was a void, a deep dissatisfaction.” Then she learned about Jehovah. She resigned from her position and was soon baptized. For the past 20 years, she has happily served in the full-time ministry. w07 8/1 2:17, 18
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